Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Dream BIG!!

What would you do if you had no limitations?
What would you do if you had 5 years to live?
What would you do if you had unlimited resources?
What would you do if you could not fail?
When was the last time you dreamed? When was the last time you took time to plan things out? (1, 5, 10 years)

Where were you last year at this time? Have you grown since then?

What do you want your 2012 to look like? Start DREAMING BIG!!!!!!

Each December, I always take time to reflect on the year. Did I reach my goals, did I make a difference, did I “miss it” somewhere? I believe it is good to take time to reflect on things and then fine tune and make adjustments, renew, refresh, start over for the next year. So many people remain stagnant, complacent in their lifestyle year after year. Why not start a new and DREAM BIG for 2012??

Don’t be that person who won’t go after their dreams…

The person who views past & dictates own future (I didn't have the advantage of my friends)…

The person who gets caught up in the cares of the world & deceitfulness of riches…

The person who gets so overwhelmed by scope of dream that they don't even try….

You don’t have to have a ton of experience or wisdom to dream, just simply create a vision for your life and go after it! Acts 2:17-21 - young men will see visions!

I know for me, I not only like to DREAM big, but I want to make sure my dreams in my heart are from God…

You will know it’s God’s dream if:

1.It is bigger than YOU!!!!!

IF you can do it without God’s help, you are not dreaming BIG enough! The bible promises that ALL things are possible with God! Is your dream impossible enough? Does it go beyond you enough to qualify for God’s help? Your dream should be so big it takes your breath away!

2. You can’t let it go

A God-given dream won’t leave you alone! It will demand your mind’s attention.

3. You would be willing to give up everything for it

A dream inspires devotion! Just like the devotion a parent has for a child; you would give your very life just to see it grow and find fulfillment.

4. It will last forever

You must build your dreams on something that will last.  Only 2 things in the world last forever: truth and people.  Heaven and earth will pass away, but God’s word will never pass away.  You have to build your dream on that never-changing foundation.

The second thing that lasts forever is people.  Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost, to die for people.  That’s how we should spend our lives too!

Matt 25:40-“When you’ve done it to the least of them, you’ve done it to Me”

5. It meets a need nobody has met

Will my dream help people? Improve lives? Does it fill a need nobody else is filling? If so, then your dream is from God. The secret to life is pouring into other people, giving without expecting in return.

6. It brings glory to God

Life is too short precious to fritter away by building on a crumbling foundation.  Many people lose their lives, not by dying, but by squandering their time. 

So how do I bring my dream to fruition? To come to pass?

You need to get alone with God. Spend time alone with God on a daily basis!!  Psalm  46:10-“Be still and know that I am God”

Paul spent 3 years in the desert listening to God before he began his ministry.  That was his seminary education.  He said, “God, what is the all-consuming passion in my life?  What will I do until I die?” Once he discovered his dream, he lived an extraordinary life!

Review your gifts and talents- Romans 12:6 says we each have gifts! Fulfillment comes when you use those gifts for HIM in service of your dream.  Your gifts are key to discovering God’s will for your life!

God also gives us the desires of our hearts!

Decide what’s really important in life-1 Cor 10:23-“All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful.” Some things are not wrong, but they’re just not necessary.  They just waste time. We might not have to pursue every dream, so we must choose to spend time on what’s important.  Successful people learn to eliminate nonessentials, those things that won’t matter 10 years from now.  Invest your life in those things that will outlast you! 

Journal your dream!  Once you define your dream, WRITE it down! Habakkuk 2.2 says, “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.” If you want to move ahead in your dream, you must write it down!!

Have a plan for implementing your dream! Dreams do not come true by fantasizing, you have to write them down and let them become a guiding force in your life!

Prov-29:18-“Without a vision, people parish”

So what are some of your dreams and visions for 2012? Reflect and Renew for the coming year!

I am currently working on my new dreams and goals for the next year! I have quite a few, which I will share with you very soon!!! J

Get a vision for your life!! God is calling you to make a difference!! Why not start now! J

Monday, December 12, 2011

My Better Half :)

I just wanted to take a minute and praise my husband, Matt. I know I don’t do it often enough. He IS my better half! AND other than GOD, he is my everything! I truly believe if you place God first in your life, HE will bless the socks off you! I know HE did when he placed Matt in my life.  My marriage is truly “Heaven on Earth” as my pastor always says! J AND it keeps getting better and better each day!

Relationships and marriage are high maintenance. If you want good, healthy, relationships in your life, you need to be willing to work at it, you need the wisdom of God, and you need to understand the dynamics of relationships.

Psalm 34:12–14 is a scripture that sums up in a nutshell what it takes to have fulfilling relationships and a good marriage. It says,
“Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.”

There are three powerful truths in this verse that will greatly aid in the success of a fulfilling and happy marriage (IF you apply them). They are:

  • Control your tongue.
  • Do good to each other.
  • Seek peace and pursue it.

The most important thing in your life besides your relationship with God are the people in your life. It’s not your job or your money, or your hobbies. And if you’re married, it’s your spouse!

You can have everything, but if you lack good relationships, you are unfulfilled and empty.

On the other hand, you can have very little, but if you have friends and fulfilling relationships, you are rich!

We all have different personalities. We have different gifts and talents, but we also have different needs. We should learn what the other person’s needs are and build them up according to their needs. Many times we try to meet our spouse’s needs according to what we like and we need, but it will not have the same effect because we are all different. By understanding how each other feels loved and what our different needs are, miscommunication will be avoided and love will be increased.

By applying these simple biblical principles in your life, you can be a blessing to your BETTER half!

If you both choose to focus on the each other’s needs, you will experience such a loving, healthy, Godly relationship! Each day you fall more in love!

Ephesians 4:2–3 says to be completely humble and gently; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Matt is the most selfless, caring, thoughtful, Godly, man I know and SOO much more! I am so very blessed to have him in my life; he makes me a better person.

What are you doing to make your marriage/relationship the best it can be?